Backpacking - Hiking

JoGo Straw –

Love coffee? More importantly do you love cool new ways to drink coffee? If so JoGo is the sweet little gadget you have been looking for. Simplicity looks like coffee, water, and a JoGo!

Just the Facts:

Meet JoGo! A highly portable, flavorful, multipurpose, teeth-friendly, and waste free new way to brew and enjoy your coffee and loose-leaf tea.

Simply drop in a scoop of your favorite ground coffee, add hot water, pop in your JoGo, and enjoy! No more machines, waste, or hassle.

Comes with a carrying pouch and a JoGo cleaning brush!


  • Highly Portable – Roughly the size of a pencil, JoGo can easily slip into any pocket
  • Robust Flavor– Brews delicious and robust French press style coffee with the ease of instant
  • Zero Waste – Simplifies the brewing process and avoids unnecessary waste
  • Multipurpose – Can also be used to filter other beverages such as loose-leaf tea and muddled cocktails, or remove the filter and use it as a regular reusable straw
  • Teeth Friendly – Drinking coffee through a straw helps bypass your teeth and reduce unwanted stains
  • Heat Regulated Tip – BPA free silicone tip provides comfort and temperature diffusion to make every sip enjoyable
  • Durable – Built to last with food-grade stainless steel
  • Ergonomically Designed – Designed for comfortable sipping from a natural position
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • FDA Approved
  • Dimension: .5x.5×7.8 inches Weight: 1 oz
  • Material: Food-grade stainless steel and BPA-free silicone.
  • Compatibility: Medium to coarse-ground coffee, loose-leaf tea, and muddled cocktails.

My Story:

I am the person who has to have coffee throughout the day, but especially in the morning.  Besides needing the caffeine to deal with the day, it is the ritual of brewing the coffee and sipping it while I mentally prepare for my day that makes it necessary to me.  I enjoy everything about coffee, the taste, the aroma, and the clarity of mind it brings to deal with whatever is thrown my way.  Coffee is a way of life and this rings true no matter if I am at home, on vacation, camping in the woods, or fishing on the river. The Jogo straw is an easy convenient way to enjoy coffee with minimal effort no matter where I go. 

I recently went on a bass fishing trip with a couple buddies at the river.  I got up early, made my pot of coffee as I always do while I went about getting my things together for the trip.  When the brew was finished, I poured the first cup and sipped on it while I finished throwing stuff in my truck to head to the meet up location.  Right before I left my house, I topped off my cup so I had some for the road.  I didn’t want to drink too much as we had a bit of a drive ahead of us, but I needed enough to get me adequately moving for the day. 

I arrived at my buddy’s house happy to see the boat was already hooked up.  All I had to do was throw my fishing gear in the truck, grab what was left of my cup of coffee and away we went.  Of course about half way to our destination I ran out of coffee and instantly regretted my decision not to grab a larger to-go cup.  Oh well, at this point I would just have to be satisfied with what I had already drank. 

After getting to the river and hitting a few locations, only catching a few bass my friend pulled out a little backpacking stove and started boiling water right there on the bow of the boat.  This is not an unusual scene, like the little mermaid, he has whosits and whatsits galore, and is always pulling some random piece of gear out.  That is when it happened, in all of its shiny glory, out of nowhere this metal straw with a filter box on the bottom was tossed to me followed by a cup of hot water topped off by my favorite grounds.  At first, I was confused by what had just transpired, but soon I was sipping my delicious cup of happiness through the JOGO. 

I must admit as much joy as the first sips were, I was also a little frustrated by how difficult it was to suck the joy out of the cup of goodness.  I chalked it up to the holes on the metal filter box at the bottom of the straw getting clogged by the coffee grounds.  I decided not to let this deter me from the happiness I was experiencing.  I finished my coffee contently, gave it a quick clean with river water, and passed it to “Ariel” so he could experience the magic of the thingamabob he had given to me.

After the morning of catching bass, I returned home and proceeded to clean the JOGO.  My first thought was how I needed a little pipe cleaner or something similar to clean inside the straw, really wish they would have made this easy on me.  I proceeded to unscrew the little filter box at the bottom and saw something inside the bottom of the straw.  At first I thought maybe this was a second filter to help remove any tiny particles of coffee ground that some how made it through the filter holes.  I attempted to pull the “inside filter” out with no luck.  It wasn’t until I removed the silicone tip at the top of the straw that I saw the loop.  After removing the cleaner brush it dawned on me that JOGO had thought through how to properly clean their product, how to store the cleaning utensil so it would not get lost when not in use, and how much easier it would be to actually sip coffee without a brush blocking most of the straw.  At this point I felt a little foolish, but hey, how was I to know.  I was just tossed this little gem without having any knowledge of what it was or how it worked. 

Now that I was an experienced JOGO user, I needed to try this thing out without any obstructions.  That following weekend I went on a mountain hike with a friend.  Halfway up the mountain we stopped to take a break.  I pulled out my camp stove and titanium cooking pot and heated up some water.  I dropped my grounds in the water and let them steep for a few minutes to get that delicious flavor to permeate through the entire container.  The moment of truth, I took the first sip, and smiled at how easy it now was to sip coffee through the JOGO.  This little guy will, from now on, get thrown into my travel kit no matter if camping, backpacking, hunting, fishing or staying in a hotel.  I can have great coffee wherever with minimal gear.

Find It Here:

JoGo Coffee Straw

What Can be Done Better:

This product performs exactly as it should.  I do not have any additions that could make it better.

JoGo Straw

  • Functionality
  • Value
  • Ergonomics
  • Durability


Love coffee? More importantly do you love cool new ways to drink coffee? If so JoGo is the sweet little gadget you have been looking for. Simplicity looks like coffee, water, and a JoGo!


Small and Lightweight Easy to Clean Stainless Steel Construction Easy to Use Versatile