USGS topographic map of Boonville, New York, dated 1904, updated 1932.
Includes geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), lines of elevation, bodies of water, roads, and more. This topo quad is suitable for recreational, outdoor uses, office applications, or wall map framing.
Printed on-demand by YellowMaps on the print material of your choice.
Shipping rolled from Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Product Number: USGS-5450769
Map Size: 20.1 inches high x 16.6 inches wide
Map Scale: 1:62500
Map Type: POD USGS Topographic Map
Map Series: HTMC
Map Version: Historical
Cell ID: 51641
Scan ID: 139290
Imprint Year: 1932
Visual Version Number: 1
Survey Year: 1902
Datum: NAD
Map Projection: Polyconic
Map published by United States Geological Survey
Map Language: English
Scanner Resolution: 600 dpi
Map Cell Name: Boonville
Grid size: 15 X 15 Minute
Date on map: 1904
Geographical region: New York, United States
Northern map edge Latitude: 43.5°
Southern map edge Latitude: 43.25°
Western map edge Longitude: -75.5°
Eastern map edge Longitude: -75.25°
Surrounding map sheets (copy & paste the Product No. in the search bar):
North: USGS-5445124,USGS-5453205,USGS-5453193,USGS-5445122,USGS-5453203
East: USGS-5448168,USGS-5453377,USGS-5450137,USGS-5453381,USGS-5448166
South: USGS-5453491,USGS-5448264,USGS-5452855,USGS-5452857,USGS-5452841
West: USGS-5446630,USGS-8694494,USGS-5454073,USGS-5454067,USGS-5454065
Make sure this fits by entering your model number.
Printed on Regular Paper (32lb)
USGS topographic map of Boonville, NY, at 1:62500 scale. High-quality paper print. Perfect for wall maps.
Cities, towns, villages: Hawkinsville,Big Brook,Dunn Brook,West Branch,Lake Delta,Frenchville,Carmichael Hill,Ava,Camroden,Flint Town,Elmer Hill,North Western,Hawkins Corner,Westernville,Hillside,Boonville,West Leyden,Wright Settlement,Merrick Corner,Canterbury Hill,Stokes Corner,Fink Hollow,Hurlbutville,Steuben,East Floyd,Redmond Corner,Beartown
Rivers, creeks: Haynes Brook,East Kent Creek,Dunn Brook,Lansing Kill,Gifford Creek,West Kent Creek,Big Brook,East Branch Mohawk River,Flint Brook,Wood Creek,Gulf Creek,Cold Brook,Turtle Lot Brook,Big Branch,Hurlbut Glen Brook,Chase Creek,Cummings Creek,Wells Creek,Clark Brook,McMullen Brook,Bunt Brook,Blue Brook,Cyrus Brook,Deans Gulf,West Branch Mohawk River,Crystal Creek,Beaver Meadow Brook,Stringer Brook,Potash Creek,Tannery Brook,Big Gulf,Ava Brook,Spring Brook,Spi
Lakes: Echo Lake