USGS topographic map of Liberty, South Carolina, dated 1983, updated 1983.
Includes geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), lines of elevation, bodies of water, roads, and more. This topo quad is suitable for recreational, outdoor uses, office applications, or wall map framing.
Printed on-demand by YellowMaps on the print material of your choice.
Shipping rolled from Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Product Number: USGS-5387640
Map Size: 26.7 inches high x 21.9 inches wide
Map Scale: 1:24000
Map Type: POD USGS Topographic Map
Map Series: HTMC
Map Version: Historical
Cell ID: 25614
Scan ID: 261248
Imprint Year: 1983
Woodland Tint: Yes
Visual Version Number: 2
Aerial Photo Year: 1976
Edit Year: 1983
Field Check Year: 1977
Datum: NAD27
Map Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
Provisional map: Yes
Map published by United States Geological Survey
Map Language: English
Scanner Resolution: 600 dpi
Map Cell Name: Liberty
Grid size: 7.5 X 7.5 Minute
Date on map: 1983
Geographical region: South Carolina, United States
Northern map edge Latitude: 34.875°
Southern map edge Latitude: 34.75°
Western map edge Longitude: -82.75°
Eastern map edge Longitude: -82.625°
Surrounding map sheets (copy & paste the Product No. in the search bar):
North: USGS-5388016,USGS-5388014
East: USGS-5387060
South: USGS-5388644,USGS-5387140,USGS-5388642
West: USGS-5388258,USGS-5388260,USGS-5388256
Make sure this fits by entering your model number.
Printed on Regular Paper (32lb)
USGS topographic map of Liberty, SC, at 1:24000 scale. High-quality paper print. Perfect for wall maps.
Cities, towns, villages: Rosewood Heights,Arial,Whispering Pines,Beverly,Liberty,Cedar Rock,Traber,Shady Grove,Five Forks,Hillwood
Rivers, creeks: Wolf Creek,Praters Creek,Rices Creek
Lakes: Consult topo map preview for bodies of fresh water.